How JGES Started
About 2 years ago the phrase "Just Get 'Em Saved" kept coming to my mind. I did not understand in the beginning why this phrase kept being in my mind. Then I began seeing shirts with “Just Get ‘Em Saved” printed on them as this phrase continued to come to me, always beige in color.
After a few months of this I began to realize The Holy Spirit was speaking to me. Then over the next few months it became a word at a time such as "Gathering (Matthew 18:20), Movement (Acts 17:28), Reciprocity (2 Corinthians 6:12-13) and Participate” (1 Corinthians 6:17). There were 2 particular scriptures, Romans 10:9-10 and Matthew 9:37-38, that began to stand out to me.
Along the way there was a leading to create a website, then a Facebook page. I also was led to make contact with a Christian singer. There have been specific people along the way that always came to mind, some in other states, some I already knew and some I had met recently. I have also been given gatherings of people at various venues in the future. I was led to make contact with various Pastors. He has given me messages for T Shirts and very specific tasks for JGES (see the website home page for the purpose of JGES) Recently, putting messages on billboards was given to me. The only one I had told about these details was my Pastor, until God began guiding me to begin working on putting JGES together. ( I have not and can not do anything good without God )
The destination of JGES will be determined by God, He continues to give me more information as I get deeper into this. I am merely obeying what I have been told to do…...Unworthy servant doing his duty.